Promotions at Firon Bar-Nir
Firon Bar-Nir is proud to announce new promotions in the litigations and insolvency department and in the consulting, business law, real estate and urbanism departments.
The projects successfully managed by the litigations and insolvency team over the last years as well as the multiple transactions successfully closed with the assistance of the consulting team are but a confirmation of the high standard services offered by Firon Bar-Nir in all its areas of practice.
The lawyers of Firon Bar-Nir are serious, prompt and well trained and, therefore, they are the guarantors of the trust the clients have placed in and the values that Firon Bar-Nir promotes under its motto “Built on Tradition. Driven by Innovation”.

Ramona Bîrlog was promoted Managing Associate.
Along her career, Ramona has successfully assisted and represented private entities and public authorities in a wide range of litigations involving complex institutions and legal issues in the field of intellectual property, business law, administrative and contentious matters, the organization, operation and delegation of public services, the remedies offered to properties abusively seized, expropriations or other claims related to the private property law.
Ramona is a Doctor of Laws and is also an assistant professor on administrative law with the University “Valahia” of Târgoviște.
Elena Munteanu was promoted Senior Associate.
Elena began her professional career in the field of civil law, mainly assisting clients in the real estate and related litigations area, in court and out-of-court proceedings regarding claims for property restitution or remedies in kind or equivalent for properties abusively seized.
Later on, the specialized in litigations between professionals regarding claims recovery and restructuring, insolvency and liquidation of companies.
Elena’s professional expertise covers all institutions and procedures specific to these areas, such as the opening of the insolvency proceeding upon request of the creditors or of the debtor, assisting and representing the debtors, the debtors’ shareholders or the secured/unsecured creditors in terms of enforcement and realization of their rights within the insolvency proceedings, assisting and representing debtors or debtors’ shareholders/director or other stakeholders in restructuring, judicial administration or out-of-court claim recovery schemes.

Cosmin Şovar was promoted Senior Associate.
Cosmin has a consistent expertise in litigations as he successfully represented both private persons and public authorities in litigations between professionals, administrative and contentious matters, labor matters or actions regarding in kind or in equivalent restitution of properties abusively seized.
Cosmin has also successfully managed litigations regarding the relations between professionals and consumers, in particular in terms of properties transfer in lieu of payment (“datio in solutum”), the abusive terms and conditions in contracts or enforcement of bank claims.
Cosmin also specializes in offering assistance for election of the best strategy and most adequate actions to recover claims as well as throughout the enforcement proceedings.
Cosmin gradated the Master’s Degree in advanced private law with the School of Law of the University of Bucharest, and is author of various articles on legal issues. He is a constant presence in professional debates.
Ana Zagor was promoted Senior Associate.
Ana began her professional career in Firon Bar-Nir, within the Consulting Department. Ana has maturely coordinated important clients and approached various areas of practice spanning from corporate law, real estate financing, real estate purchase and M&A, to leases and real estate development.
Ana is currently assisting clients operating in the hotel and hospitality areas as well as in the urbanism and construction areas. She has recently taken over the coordination of the team of juniors of the Consulting Department.

Simona Todea was promoted Senior Associate.
Simona also started her professional career in Firon Bar-Nir. During her first years of practice Simona was a member of the Litigations Department, which significantly contributed to her success as a consulting lawyer when she decided to change the field of practice.
Simona is a valuable member of the team assisting real estate developers on the Romania, Bulgaria Greece and Serbia markets and she provides integrated legal assistance, consulting and representation services to more than 30 major real estate projects in Bucharest as well as in other important cities of Romania such as Constanţa, Timişoara, Braşov, Iaşi, Ploieşti and Cluj.
Ron Bar-Nir, Senior Managing Partner:
“I am very happy to welcome, Cosmin, Ana, Elena and Simona to our team of senior lawyers and to promote Ramona as managing associate as they all have proved to be outstanding professionals and contributed significantly to the growth of Firon Bar Nir in the last years. All these promotions represent recognition of these young lawyers commitment to the standards and values of our law firm.”
Alina Moldovan, Managing Partner, coordinator of the Consulting Department:
“I am extremely proud of this generation of senior lawyers – they are simply outstanding and I value them professionally and cherish them personally.
Simona Todea and Ana Zagor began their lawyer careers in Firon Bar-Nir and they gained professional experience in the consulting department. What I most appreciate about their works is their thorough legal opinions, their energy and persistence in finding the appropriate solutions to complex legal matters.”
Cătălin Cotorogea, Managing Partner, coordinator of the Litigations and Insolvency Department:
”I am extremely pleased to recognize and praise the professional quality of the members of the Litigations and Insolvency team of Firon Bar-Nir. Beyond their undisputable and clear-cut professional qualities, Ramona, Elena and Cosmin are remarkably excellent persons with whom I have started a professional endeavor which we intend to consolidate and develop in the future.”
Firon Bar-Nir is constantly investing in its human capital in order to provide the best quality legal services.